Home Education How to Clean Your Diamond Engagement Ring

How to Clean Your Diamond Engagement Ring

by Craig

If you have ever wondered how to clean your diamond engagement ring, be sure to follow these easy steps listed below. If you don’t clean your ring the right way, you could do more harm than good to your diamond and setting.

Chemicals and oils can cause buildup on your diamond engagement ring and dull the surface. Sometimes a ring that has not been cleaned in awhile can look a lot less valuable than it actually is. Keeping your diamond engagement ring clean is an easy process that can be quickly accomplished with a few simple steps.

A non abrasive gentle detergent can be used, to protect the metal that the diamond is set in from scratches. It is important to use a soap that is not oil based or it will leave a film defeating the purpose of cleaning your diamond engagement ring.

* Fill a shallow bowl with the detergent and some water at about a 3:1 ratio in favor of the water, typically a few squirts of liquid dishwashing liquid with about a cup of warm water will suffice.
* Mix it up and place the engagement ring in the water to soak.
* After about fifteen minutes of soak time remove the ring from the water and use a soft rated toothbrush to gently clean the ring.
* To loosen and built up debris, replace the ring in the sudsy water again for a few additional minutes than rinse in a bowl of cool clear water (using a sink is not a great idea for rinsing because your ring may end up down the drain or could slip from your grasp and be lost, better safe than sorry).
* Once the ring has been rinsed look closely to see if any debris or build up is evident under the stone, between the stone and setting if so you can use a toothpick to gently free any debris.
* Once all the debris has been removed, again rinse the ring in the clean water bath and dry it using a lint free cloth. A good example of a lint free cloth is the type of cloth that is sold to clean eye glasses or computer screens.

To avoid damage to the diamond engagement ring and to keep it looking its best it is a good choice not to wear the ring when applying any kind of body lotion, hair products, perfume or makeup. All of these products can cause film and buildup to form on the diamond engagement ring and can also damage the setting.

Taking a few minutes a month to clean your diamond engagement ring will insure that your diamond truly is forever.

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