When browsing through different selections of solitaire engagement rings, the last thing you need to do is make a hasty purchasing decision based on your ‘gut’ instinct. Even if your decision turns out to be correct, why take such a crazy risk? No matter how right you think you are, we encourage you to consider the qualities of the diamond you choose before you pop the question.
Remember, purchasing a diamond is not a decision you have to make alone. This is why Adiamor offers thorough and helpful diamond education resources. We’ve done all the research to partner along with you on your quest to find the ideal ring. We want to provide you with a bit of basic information to help you along your way. So, here it goes:
The diamond industry distinguishes diamonds by the four C’s. They are:
The diamond’s cut doesn’t mean shape. It actually refers to the reflective qualities of the diamond. When looking at different cuts on solitaire engagement rings, you will notice that a well cut diamond is what makes it bright and eye-catching when any light shines through. The better the cut, the more dazzling and brilliant the diamond will be. At Adiamor, we consider the cut to be an extremely important aspect as it has a direct effect on all 3 C’s. The cut will showcase the quality of the stone, so pick your cut wisely!
The clarity of the diamond refers to the blemishes and inclusions of the stone. Like humans, no diamond is without a flaw. A blemish is a surface flaw (a scratch) and an inclusion = internal flaws (cracks, air bubbles). Flawless diamonds are extremely rare and are rated FL – IF. Under 10x magnification, there is no appearance of blemishes or inclusions in a flawless diamond. Diamonds that are rated VS1 – VS2 are considered to be the best in value. These diamonds may have minor blemishes and inclusions, but they are incredibly difficult to see, even under 10x magnification, and are not visible to the naked eye.
FL – IF VS1 – VS2
When you think of diamonds, what color comes to mind? You’re probably wondering if this is a trick question. This is because the color of a diamond actually refers to its absence of color. See? This is exactly why it’s so important to educate yourself before you shop for solitaire engagement rings! The more colorless a diamond is, the more light will shine through and reflect the diamond’s brilliance. Jewelers use a grading system of D through X for a diamond’s color; D to J being colorless and S to Z leaning toward light yellow.
D to J = Colorless to Near Colorless S to Z = Light Yellow to Fancy
Carat weight is the 4th and final C. The weight refers to the unit of measurement, not to be confused with karat, which refers to gold purity. When choosing your diamond, it’s important for many people to budget properly. Some women don’t want a huge rock on their finger. For women who prefer ‘larger than life’ (see obnoxiously large stone below) solitaire engagement rings, you’ll need to make sure that enormous rock has the appropriate clarity, color and is cut just right to show off the diamond’s best qualities
The Spirit of de Grisogono weighs in at a mere 312.24 carats
Buying the diamond that is “just right” takes time and dedication. Adiamor has been around for 5 decades and we are solid experts in our field. With upwards of 100,000 diamonds listed online and a wide variety of solitaire engagement rings to choose from, you can be sure to get exactly what you’re looking for.
Don’t forget to check out our diamond education center. If you have any questions along the way, just give us a call at 877-627-5094. The trained professionals at Adiamor are here to help you find beautiful solitaire engagement rings to fit your perfect someone.